Model Portfolio

Open Positions                                 Purchase Price    Open Date:     Position size:

GALT                                                      14.00                6/29/14         100%
ECYT                                                        6.65                 7/2/14          100%
ARIA                                                        5.20                  7/20/14        100%

Closed Positions

IBB Jan 2016 260 puts (bought)             29.35                 7/7/14          10%
  Sold for 35.8 on 7/22/14, an annualized gain of 38%

ECYT November $6 puts (sold)             0.35                 9/29/14        100%
  Expired worthless, an annualized gain of 776%

IBB November $275 puts (bought)      10.50                 9/29/14          10%
  Sold for 22.3 on Oct 15, an annualized gain of 255%

Average closed position annualized gain: 346%


  1. Thank you for the good blog youre creating. Its very helpful to me to read an educated analysis. I don't mind considering you an expert and Ive put you in my favorites.
    I am invested in GALT and other biotechs.
    I wanted to ask you if you are also expert in technical analysis,and do you do technical charting,to help you decide when to buy and sell? Thanks for your response,in advance.

    1. Thanks! I definitely don't consider myself an "expert", but I do think I know a lot more than a lot of the people that like to "analyze" biotech stocks. :-)

      I really don't do much with technical analysis, although I think smallcap biotechs are one of the few places where they can be really powerful; these stocks typically don't move much except for a few times a year on big news, and other than that I do think the short-term price movements are purely technical. So, I don't, but I could see the utility in them.

  2. Also, if its ok to ask here...can folks offer you their picks and ask what you think of them,? thanks again. (I signed in as anonymous for simplicity sake, ...LT)

  3. Well...I have to be careful how I do this. I think legally I'm not allowed to respond to readers' questions about specific stocks, so I have to tread lightly. I am still trying to figure out how to play this the right way. I am actually considering consulting one of my attorney friends, to see what he thinks about the best way for me to be responsive to my readers while still being legally covered. Thanks for the thoughts. Definitely feel free to comment, and I will try to be as responsive as possible, I'm just not sure legally what lines I can/can't cross.

  4. JVS, thank you for responding. I'll give you an example to ask your atty .friend.
    I am invested in a handful of biotech stocks, GALT being one of them. I liked your commentaries about GALT, and any insights about GALT fundamentals is especially helpful to me. My investing weakness is that I don't understand most fundamental data ,how to analyze it, and certainly have little knowledge about biotech research that these companies do. I used to subscribe to a biotech newsletter for that reason.
    Now no longer a subscriber,I'm left to my own devices for due diligence and so I value the thoughts of people like yourself,if you have the fundamental understanding of various biotechs.

    I guess this would be a question to ask. What kind of educated skills do you have to look at a biotech company,as you looked at GALT, and glean enough understanding to be able to say this company looks good to you, or not too good, for various reasons, etc... like your commentaries about GALT ,seem useful to me.

    I'm sure that your atty friend would say you are safe as long as you proclaim that your comments are not intended to be seen or used as advice,oe recommendations for trading purposes, etc,like what every other blog forum says....the disclaimer, etc.

    and for me, its as simple as asking you,....heres a stock I'm invested in,ONCS, have you ever heard of it? If you have a moment to look at the website ,what are your impressions of their research, the same kind of thing you just did with GALT.

    Is GALT the only stock youre interested in? or the other biotech , that's a pretty small portfolio (lol).... in any case, I know it takes a lot of time to do proper due diligence, but if you are examining biotech companies to invest in, here are some of the ones I own, and of course I remain concerned about all of them.Biotech investments are not for the faint of heart.
    Thanks again for responding.

    I own ONCS

    and I'm interested in but don't yet own
    and the XBI index etf

    there you go, that should keep you busy for a while.....( smiles)


    1. I guess I need some clarification: what do you mean when you ask "what sort of educated skills do you have"?

      I have heard of the ticker ONCS, but I don't know anything else about the stock aside from that! :-)

      I'm really trying to find excellent value in biotech right now, which is getting ever harder with how IBB (the entire biotech index) has run up. I can't imagine that the little dip from a few months ago was the whole pull-back, and we're scot-free; even GALT at 14.00 in my model portfolio is a little ballsy, since it has ran from essentially 5-7 all the way to 14 with no material change in the likelihood of success for their product.

  5. ps...I wasn't meaning to ask as a most important question, what are your analytic skills per se, only that as you apply them to examining various companies, can you elaborate for folks like me who know little about such fundamentals , just as you did about GALT.
    It was very helpful, and seems like a good start for your blog.,
    so those are my biotechs I own and like.
    some, like ISCO, I no longer like but waiting for a hope and prayer to sell at the next rally if there ever is one.

    ...cheers to you and your blog.

    1. Thanks! I'm definitely going to try to get deeper in my analysis as this blog evolves, just still trying to get the hang of things around here and how I want to run this.

  6. I'd recommend you make your "live picks" on a site such as Motley Fool Caps and post a link to that, otherwise they are difficult to trust.

    1. I might dink around with it, but I think it would get very cumbersome. I guess I'll just rely on "doubters" to use a google cache search or something to prove that I haven't gone back in time to change my model portfolio.
