Friday, September 26, 2014

Endocyte gets 5 seconds of air time

I was driving home from work the other day (perhaps Wednesday?), and happened to flip on CNBC to catch the call-in segment of Jim Cramer's show. A viewer called in, and said something to the effect of "I like Endocyte, they have a lot of cash on hand and a seemingly strong pipeline, what do you think?" Cramer's answer was essentially "I don't like the company, I like some speculations in my portfolio, but this isn't one of them." Again, I'm paraphrasing here as it was a few days ago and I don't remember the exact words, but do people really base investment decisions on a 3-second answer from a cable television program? I guess they do, else there wouldn't be commercials on buying gold from Fox News, or the ones popular where I am about buying an oil well if you're an accredited investor. I've certainly made dumb investment decisions, particularly from not researching enough, or acting rashly, or any hundred number of reasons, particularly as a relatively young/new investor, but man...might as well use a Ouija board as create an investment thesis on a 10-second sound bite.

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